Publish/ Subscribe work well in distributed application which handles complex data flow. Publish/Subscribe结构非常适合于复杂数据流的分布式应用。
In this bior-wavelet filter, the structure model of the complex algorithm circuit is created first in VHDL, and then, the behavior modeling with a combination of algorithm modeling and data flow modeling. 首先,利用VHDL对双正交小波滤波器复杂算法电路建立结构模型。
It is the most difficult problem to recover complex data type in the process of decompilation. This paper introduces data flow analysis by various features, collecting various defined and used information about variable and then recovering array data type by calculating address expression and merging address range. 逆编译中,复合数据类型恢复是最困难的问题.文中介绍按特征进行数据流分析,收集变量的各种定义和引用信息,然后通过计算地址表达式和合并地址区间的方法恢复数组类型。
In the referenced method, specifications of malicious behaviors are too complex because of the absence of data flow analysis. 参考方法由于没有引入数据流分析,使得恶意行为模板及其繁杂。